Wik Skin

I’m in the process of switching the Wiki color scheme over to the same as TAO. This involves me going through the main.css file and changing all the needed colors and settings. This is a very long process and there are many things I can miss (my learning process is just changing colors and background colors to ‘blue’ to seeing what they adjust, then reverting and changing if needed). I have missed many things I’m sure but got the most important. Please tell me when you see oddly-colored things, or make suggestions on what to change.

[li]delete/move/protect pages have a white background in the content area, should match
[/li][li]delete page has a blue border around the options
[/li][li]external link arrow is still blue, need to change images to match
[/li][li]Empty page content area is white/black text, doesn’t match
[/li][li]Categories at the bottom of the page don’t match

I haven’t been able to find in the CSS where the heck the rest of these options are stored (especially the Categories one, which is priority right now). Will do some more looking, unless anyone has better ideas (know anyone that’s done a MediaWiki skin?).

Not sure but this might help.

We use MediaWiki for our internal docs, I’m glad TAO is using it too!

Also, I’m seeing some odd coloring for the picture frames. For example…

Yeah, I’ve gone through the Wiki docs, not much help in this case (this is really a per-skin thing). I just cannot seem to find where in what CSS file certain colors are changed. I think I know where the Image stuff is, though, I’ll fix that tonight, thanks for pointing it out.