[UDK] ClockWork

HI Guys. I am new here, but i decide to post some of my last work effects.
Last time I spend some of my “after work” hours to prepeare production pipleline based on Unreal3 and environment showcase. The Goal was to create realtime level with climat mood and some level design ideas. Level has no typical gameplay elements. It should entertain you itself. All of content (except few small meshes taked from U3 (just cause of time)) was created by me. From conception, concepts, models, materials, scripting, postprocesing, creating build and so on… The level is fully playable demo (proper collision and optimalisation (av 85 fps on my pc))

Great music was created especially for this project, and was writen by my good friend Marcin “Kwazi” Przyłowicz. We are still waiting for mastering to create small EP, with music and some remixes.

The all works take 3 months of “after hour” works. Ofcourse there are a lot of stuff which can be improved, and the quality of all models is not best it can be. But most of things was caused by time. Project was closed at March this year…

Cause of content i strongly recommend to watch video before scroll down to the screenshots :wink:


additionaly here is a gallery with some screens:

Hope you enjoy.

Hey Shalivan, It looks like you had some good fun there! Thanks for sharing!