Maya shaders import / export and shapeDeformed


Here is my first post on this forum how looks pretty cool !
I’m building some tools for the company where I work and I have an issue with one of my tool.

Here is what I’m trying to do :
I’m trying to export the lookdev shaders of an asset and import / assign them to a shot in one click.

If there is no rig there is no problem at all.

but if there is a rig, I have some issues !
The lookdev is made on the modeling and not the rigging
So when the animation abc cache is loaded in the lightning scene the names of the objects shapes are different then the model who was used inside the lookdev scene.
the shapes names change from objShape to objShapeDeformed beacause of the rigging stage

And so, I have some naming error when the script try to assign the shaders!

Do you guys have some advices to help me to resolve this problem ?

Thx for your help !