Maya Polygon Selection Constraint became unstable after 2017

Has anyone using Polygon Selection Constraint and found that became really unstable in maya 2017 and 2018 ?
(haven’t used Maya 2016.5 before)

During the Polygon Selection Constraint operation, in Maya 2016, I can use it to select polygon component in any condition without critical crash.

But in 2017 and 2018, if I change my selection form polygon component to object mode and select something like nurbsCurve, or a group transform node, Maya went crash immediately.

Running the following polySelectConstraint script can also easily crash in 2017 and 2018 without selecting mesh object.

original = cmds.polySelectConstraint(query=True, stateString=True)

Is there any report or fix about this ?


Just found out that has been fixed in 2018 update 1
I think this is the right bug number which reference to it : MAYA-85641

It’s back to stable as Maya 2016 again.