Maya 2014 LXML DLLs Error

So it looks like we need to rebuild lxml for Maya 2014’s Python 2.7. I currently don’t have Visual Studio 2010 to even TRY rebuilding this.
Does anyone have a version that works with Maya 2014 or is willing to rebuild lxml and share? <3

Error: ImportError: file <maya console> line 1: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.


This is prolly way to late, but i did these for nuke:

The 2010 one might be working in maya two (being py27 and msvc 2010).


Awesome! This does work for Maya 2014. :slight_smile:
It is a bit late and I did decide to use Python 2.7’s xml.etree modules, but I might take another look at lxml thanks to you.

Thanks for getting this out there. :slight_smile:

FWIW, the nice thing about the built in xml.etree is that you avoid all this dll / bit depth/ OS nonsense – So far I’ve never found an application where the speed boost mattered enough to switch given the hassle factor…

Our use case is admittably very unique. As i took the hassle anyways i thought i’d share it at least hehe

all good, there are certainly cases where the bottleneck is XML! I just don’t hit them too often :slight_smile:

I think when you hit the XML bottleneck it might be worth evaluating if xml is the right format after all. We’ll see hehe