Let's get this party started!

Lee had the great idea of adding a new section to the VFX forums for posting and sharing work. I imagine we’ll use this to show off things were proud of, solicit feedback on works in progress, as well as throwing out our favorite inspirational videos and reference.

Or maybe it will just devolve into pyrotechnics. Either way is fine by me!

I’ll start with an example of the aformentioned pyrotechnics done in processing w/ kinect. This ended up being uninentional preproduction for Double Fine Happy Action Theater.


awesome :smiley:

That is amazing!! I love it!

Nice!! Following your lead :slight_smile:

cloth test for a prototype i’m helping a friend out with.


Messing with Physx and particles


in the past two weeks I developed the software shown in the video below.
basically the artists need a tool to easily generate smokes and similar fluid fxs…easily compared to fumeFX :slight_smile:
it outputs a png sequence.


I love fluid stuff :slight_smile:

Did the FX coding on this game a while ago:


@duncan: wow! amazing work! do you used a fluid solver as big as the screen? or it’s half? how do you added that fluid noise around the big enemies?

@alelink do want! will you be making this available to the us :slight_smile:

reminds me of this

@alelink: cheers! The sim is projected quite a bit larger than screen extents (so it can scroll in from all sides) but is much lower res - I think it was either 512x512 or 1024x1024.
Everything gets rendered into it with a shader that encodes the current velocity with “outgassing” - i.e. adding velocity outwards from the mesh origin, but it’s a lot more obvious for the bigger scenics.

I think it’s still on XBLA, so there’s a free demo :wink:

PS - this is a fun blog for fluid fans: http://fuckyeahfluiddynamics.tumblr.com/

@gizmosun: no i can’t, but I can talk about its development in this or another thread.
@dunk: thanks! I’ll try the demo the next time I connect my xbox :slight_smile: …and thanks for the link!

I love the look and feel of real-time fluids from a gameplay response perspective - can’t wait until we get a bit more horsepower for more of this incorporated with traditional effects. I have been more and more interested with using VFX for conveyance of emotion and general gameplay feedback lately.

Drew - That looks like some fun prototyping with the Kinect! Jealous!

Some tests based on stuff I’ve been reading about here and in the facebook group :slight_smile:

Nothing final but I still wanted to share what I was doing.
Just saw the video uploaded and woah, eveything went superbright. :curses:


The Fire is a test using only one, static, texture for the whole effect. Fire, smoke, embers, glow and all. All the motion is procedural from the shader.
In the Tiresmoke thing I use the same texture and tint it darker near the ground by using depthtest.
The magic circle is using premultiplied alpha which allows it t go fro bright additive to a burnmark without changing blendmodes. (Can anyone tell what it says?).
The Last three clips are Pulldownit tests with different setups of how the explosion/impact happens. Trying to get back into using maya.

Cool experiments Andreas! The fact that the fire is just one texture is making my brain hurt :slight_smile: