How to reverse keyframes in a take? (MoBu)

Is there a way to reverse the order of keyframes in a take without the motion
getting plotted?

You want to just cause the move to play back reversed? You can time warp it and not bake it, leaving the time warp live/attached to the keys on the Control rig.

Or you could leave the control rig alone, plot to the skeleton then timwarp/plot just the skeleton, while leaving the orig. data alone on the control rig.

Hmmm, good ideas.

I’d like to use the reverse set of keyframes as a base for the reverse animation.
Certain movements are kind of similar backwards but not exactly the same,
timing, balance, etc might be a bit different. By keeping the keyframes I get a
jump start and go tweaking right away.

Leaving the timewarp live on the timeline would need me to think backwards
while animating (brainwarp).

So now I just go through the all keys manually, put them to their respective
negative time then shift all of them back to the proper range. A task which
lends itself to automation… (Unfortunately the fcurves tangents don’t get
mirrored this way.)

Why don’t you just scale all the keys negatively?
Select all objects/select all keys and take not of the time number, now scale negative/or puch in the negative time value. and keys are flipped…
Or do I miss something?


I did try to flip the keys in the Transport Controls (select keys, drag last key)
but couldn’t scale it beyond 0 size so I assumed it works that way
everywhere… but apparently the fcurves window does indeed allow negative
scaling. Thanks Johan. :slight_smile:

Oh yeah I see, You use to not be able to scale -0 in the fcurve window either but I see that is fixed:) yay. Thanks for the tip Johan!