Delete an image

I posted an example to test image attachments, but I can’t find a Delete function in the wiki.

It’s actually a Thumbs.db file.

Also, what are the image extensions supported by the Wiki?
GIF, JPG, PNG, what else ??

The following extensions are enabled:
I’ve made you a Beaurocrat on the Wiki, so you should now have the ability to move/protect/soft delete pages, tell me if it isn’t working.

Hmm, I can Move pages, but it doesn’t work with attachments. That’s alright though, it’s a small non-malicious file. But for future reference, I wonder if you remove it via FTP does that cause the wiki to gag?


What image?

I guess only Sysops can delete images. I can make you a Sysop, but I’d also like to find a way to mark pages for deletion.