Blendshape Condition node

Hi everyone, I am creating a FACS rig and have created expressions for left and right as well as single expression. I have setup controls on the left and right side of the face which are controlling their relative expressions. I am able to create single expressions by activating left and right expression together with some combination target. What I would like to have is when I move both left and right controllers at the same time, only single expression get activated and left/right expressions are deactivated. I am looking for a ways to avoid using combination target. I have created following graph. Any suggestions for fixing it

following graph.

Don’t do it like that (edit: “Like that” meaning shapes off as other shapes turn on). That way lies madness, especially once you start getting any more complicated than 2-combos. I went down that path early on for my own blendshape system. In my opinion, it’s not worth it at all.

Keeping your combo expression as an addition of all 3 shapes is the way to go even if you have to do some extra shape negating to make your final combo.

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You say you are avoiding combination targets. Do you mean you want to avoid sculpting combination blendshapes?

Because the combinationShape node might work really well for what you said.

  • Connect the multiple expressions you want to drive into a combinationShape node
  • Instead of having the result of the combinationShape node drive another blendshape target, have it drive a multiplyDivide (or clamp or whatever) node that cancels out the targets you want.

(And for what it’s worth, I agree with tfox_TD.)

You guys are right. It might complicate things further and I just tried, and combination target is a better approach. I was asking it because I created single expression initially, then realized that I will need left and right control. Therefore I created them from single expressions. I was curious to know if it is worth avoiding combination targets, :slight_smile:
Thanks guys!!:+1: