Photoshop script listener to python

Photoshop action descriptors are a bit tricky to write in python with intuition alone. I wrote a helper script that converts js action descriptor code, found in the ScriptingListenerJS.log file on your Desktop, into python functions you could further explore, edit, customize and include in your own python code. It’s very useful to me and it might be useful to someone else.

Example conversion

source: ScriptingListenerJS.log

// =======================================================
var idpluginRun = stringIDToTypeID( "pluginRun" );
    var desc268 = new ActionDescriptor();
    var idNm = charIDToTypeID( "Nm  " );
    desc268.putString( idNm, """ScriptingSupport.8li""" );
    var idisFirstParty = stringIDToTypeID( "isFirstParty" );
    desc268.putBoolean( idisFirstParty, true );
    var idIjsx = charIDToTypeID( "Ijsx" );
    desc268.putBoolean( idIjsx, false );
executeAction( idpluginRun, desc268, DialogModes.NO );

// =======================================================
var idAdobeScriptAutomationScripts = stringIDToTypeID( "AdobeScriptAutomation Scripts" );
    var desc269 = new ActionDescriptor();
    var idjsNm = charIDToTypeID( "jsNm" );
    desc269.putString( idjsNm, """ScriptListenerOn""" );
    var idjsMs = charIDToTypeID( "jsMs" );
    desc269.putString( idjsMs, """[ActionDescriptor]""" );
executeAction( idAdobeScriptAutomationScripts, desc269, DialogModes.NO );

// =======================================================
var idinvokeCommand = stringIDToTypeID( "invokeCommand" );
    var desc270 = new ActionDescriptor();
    var idcommandID = stringIDToTypeID( "commandID" );
    desc270.putInteger( idcommandID, 10 );
    var idkcanDispatchWhileModal = stringIDToTypeID( "kcanDispatchWhileModal" );
    desc270.putBoolean( idkcanDispatchWhileModal, true );
executeAction( idinvokeCommand, desc270, DialogModes.NO );

// =======================================================
var idnewDocument = stringIDToTypeID( "newDocument" );
    var desc271 = new ActionDescriptor();
    var idDocI = charIDToTypeID( "DocI" );
    desc271.putInteger( idDocI, 513 );
executeAction( idnewDocument, desc271, DialogModes.NO );

// =======================================================
var idhistoryStateChanged = stringIDToTypeID( "historyStateChanged" );
    var desc272 = new ActionDescriptor();
    var idDocI = charIDToTypeID( "DocI" );
    desc272.putInteger( idDocI, 513 );
    var idIdnt = charIDToTypeID( "Idnt" );
    desc272.putInteger( idIdnt, 514 );
    var idNm = charIDToTypeID( "Nm  " );
    desc272.putString( idNm, """New""" );
    var idhasEnglish = stringIDToTypeID( "hasEnglish" );
    desc272.putBoolean( idhasEnglish, true );
    var idItmI = charIDToTypeID( "ItmI" );
    desc272.putInteger( idItmI, 1 );
executeAction( idhistoryStateChanged, desc272, DialogModes.NO );

// =======================================================
var idMk = charIDToTypeID( "Mk  " );
    var desc273 = new ActionDescriptor();
    var idNw = charIDToTypeID( "Nw  " );
        var desc274 = new ActionDescriptor();
        var idartboard = stringIDToTypeID( "artboard" );
        desc274.putBoolean( idartboard, false );
        var idautoPromoteBackgroundLayer = stringIDToTypeID( "autoPromoteBackgroundLayer" );
        desc274.putBoolean( idautoPromoteBackgroundLayer, false );
        var idMd = charIDToTypeID( "Md  " );
        var idRGBM = charIDToTypeID( "RGBM" );
        desc274.putClass( idMd, idRGBM );
        var idWdth = charIDToTypeID( "Wdth" );
        var idRlt = charIDToTypeID( "#Rlt" );
        desc274.putUnitDouble( idWdth, idRlt, 491.520000 );
        var idHght = charIDToTypeID( "Hght" );
        var idRlt = charIDToTypeID( "#Rlt" );
        desc274.putUnitDouble( idHght, idRlt, 491.520000 );
        var idRslt = charIDToTypeID( "Rslt" );
        var idRsl = charIDToTypeID( "#Rsl" );
        desc274.putUnitDouble( idRslt, idRsl, 300.000000 );
        var idpixelScaleFactor = stringIDToTypeID( "pixelScaleFactor" );
        desc274.putDouble( idpixelScaleFactor, 1.000000 );
        var idFl = charIDToTypeID( "Fl  " );
        var idFl = charIDToTypeID( "Fl  " );
        var idClr = charIDToTypeID( "Clr " );
        desc274.putEnumerated( idFl, idFl, idClr );
        var idFlCl = charIDToTypeID( "FlCl" );
            var desc275 = new ActionDescriptor();
            var idH = charIDToTypeID( "H   " );
            var idAng = charIDToTypeID( "#Ang" );
            desc275.putUnitDouble( idH, idAng, 0.000000 );
            var idStrt = charIDToTypeID( "Strt" );
            desc275.putDouble( idStrt, 0.000000 );
            var idBrgh = charIDToTypeID( "Brgh" );
            desc275.putDouble( idBrgh, 50.196078 );
        var idHSBC = charIDToTypeID( "HSBC" );
        desc274.putObject( idFlCl, idHSBC, desc275 );
        var idDpth = charIDToTypeID( "Dpth" );
        desc274.putInteger( idDpth, 16 );
        var idprofile = stringIDToTypeID( "profile" );
        desc274.putString( idprofile, """sRGB IEC61966-2.1""" );
        var idGdes = charIDToTypeID( "Gdes" );
            var list8 = new ActionList();
        desc274.putList( idGdes, list8 );
    var idDcmn = charIDToTypeID( "Dcmn" );
    desc273.putObject( idNw, idDcmn, desc274 );
    var idDocI = charIDToTypeID( "DocI" );
    desc273.putInteger( idDocI, 513 );
executeAction( idMk, desc273, DialogModes.NO );

// =======================================================
var idlayersFiltered = stringIDToTypeID( "layersFiltered" );
executeAction( idlayersFiltered, undefined, DialogModes.NO );

// =======================================================
var idinvokeCommand = stringIDToTypeID( "invokeCommand" );
    var desc276 = new ActionDescriptor();
    var idcommandID = stringIDToTypeID( "commandID" );
    desc276.putInteger( idcommandID, -704 );
    var idkcanDispatchWhileModal = stringIDToTypeID( "kcanDispatchWhileModal" );
    desc276.putBoolean( idkcanDispatchWhileModal, true );
executeAction( idinvokeCommand, desc276, DialogModes.NO );

result: Filtered and Transpiled

Photoshop ScriptListenerJS to Pyhton
from win32com.client import Dispatch

app = Dispatch("Photoshop.Application")

def s(name):
    '''convert string name into type id'''
    return app.StringIDToTypeID(f"{name}")

def c(name):
    '''convert char name into type id'''
    return app.CharIDToTypeID(f"{name}")

def ps_display_dialogs():
    '''Dictionary with dialog constants'''
    return {"all": 1, "error": 2, "no": 3}

def dialog(dialog_type="no"):
    '''Photoshop dialog windows settings using "all": 1, "error": 2, "no": 3'''
    dialogs = ps_display_dialogs()
    return dialogs.get(dialog_type, lambda: None)

def make_1():
    desc273 = Dispatch("Photoshop.ActionDescriptor")
    desc274 = Dispatch("Photoshop.ActionDescriptor")
    desc275 = Dispatch("Photoshop.ActionDescriptor")
    list8 = Dispatch("Photoshop.ActionList")
    desc274.PutBoolean(s("artboard"), False)
    desc274.PutBoolean(s("autoPromoteBackgroundLayer"), False)
    desc274.PutClass(s("mode"), s("RGBColorMode"))
    desc274.PutUnitDouble(s("width"), s("distanceUnit"),  491.520000)
    desc274.PutUnitDouble(s("height"), s("distanceUnit"),  491.520000)
    desc274.PutUnitDouble(s("resolution"), s("densityUnit"),  300.000000)
    desc274.PutDouble(s("pixelScaleFactor"),  1.000000)
    desc274.PutEnumerated(s("fill"), s("fill"), s("color"))
    desc275.PutUnitDouble(s("hue"), s("angleUnit"),  0.000000)
    desc275.PutDouble(s("saturation"),  0.000000)
    desc275.PutDouble(s("brightness"),  50.196078)
    desc274.PutObject(s("fillColor"), s("HSBColorClass"),  desc275)
    desc274.PutInteger(s("depth"),  16)
    desc274.PutString(s("profile"),  """sRGB IEC61966-2.1""")
    desc274.PutList(s("guides"),  list8)
    desc273.PutObject(s("new"), s("document"),  desc274)
    desc273.PutInteger(s("documentID"),  513)
    app.ExecuteAction(s("make"), desc273, dialog())
