Python Newbie Help: For each Vertex, Bake corresponding Object Pivot?


I’m a bit new to python but am seeing a great benefit to it for Maya use.

This is something I’ve been stumped on for a while:

I have

  • 1 single vertex selected on each object in maya.

for Each vertex in my selection:
- select the corresponding parent object
- align the move tool to the corresponding vertex
(or use vertexnormal)
- bake object pivot

Can maybe help you on some bits there.

import pymel.core as pm

# All components, face, vertex, edge etc can be filtered by the type float3
for float3 in pm.selected(type="float3"):
    # Abort operation on anything but mesh vertex.
    if not isinstance(float3, pm.MeshVertex):
    # `polyListComponentConversion` unexpectedly returns a string, so find the pymel node
    # corresponding to the shape name returned using `ls`.
    shape = fromVertex = True ))
    # To get the transform for the shape you can then just run `shape.getTransform()`

To work with the move tool, you can check out manipMoveContext in the docs

I don’t really follow you on the “bake object pivot” but found this

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Do you need to fiddle with the move tool at all? Are you just interested in setting the pivot to coincide with the vertex location?

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Just setting the pivot of the object to the selected vertex on the object itself… but for a group of objects with 1 vertex selection on each. I think the stack exchange script has what I need. Thanks guys!