Maya Python issue

Hello devs,

I am launching Maya 2016, open script editor and run import pymel.core as pm and getting the error:

# Error: line 1: IOError: file C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2016\bin\\logging\ line 926: 2 #

Anyone knows why it could happen and how to fix this?

Check the log file location. I’ve seen this happen when Pymel can’t find or write to it.

It writing the file to C:/Users/SuperUser/Documents/Maya, but the file is empty. User can create files in that folder.

Is there a pymel.log file in the parent folder? C:/Users/SuperUser/Documents
If so, try deleting that file. It might be that file is set to read only.

I guess the file is not read only cos I opened it in Notepad, added lines and saved.