Maya Bifrost Node Graph

Tried to learn Bifrost. Here how it went.

Bifrost 2.1 is out. And this time we get geometric queries!

And here a Masterclass from Marcus.

Is there a good API for generating Bifrost graphs from code? This is cool stuff, but I’m always nervous once my node graphs get too large to fit on one screen

There is no public API yet. Autodesk is working on it.

But there is basic Python scripting.

Make sure you follow Maxime’s Bifrost Blog.

Bruce did a nice Wave Compound.
Its a great source to look at.

Here an other one from Bruce.

An other Blog post from Maxime about Strands.

If you havnt seen it. Its now ondemand.

Just register here.

Its really crazy whats in the pipe for Bifrost.

Now on youtube.

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Maxime is creating an L-System based growing system for Bifrost.

And Toke did a Shell Modifier in Bifrost.

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A more in depth tutorial.

There is something new coming for Bifrost on the 10 of December.

Some rigging with Bifrost.

Bifrost 2.2 is ready for download.

Tech video for Bifrost 2.2

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In depth look at BF 2. 2

A good explaination of Bifrost is.

Bifrost Scatter Tutorials

A neat tool from Jason.

@mudoglu how do I join the slack channel? seems I need to part of an organization?