Looking for mentorship program coordinators

We’re looking for some community members to step up and help drive the TAO mentorship program for the coming year. This is a great opportunity to help out the larger TA community – getting these programs off the ground should have a positive impact on the whole field.
We’ll need two coordinators for the first phase of the project, which we expect to run for the remainder of 2021 as we learn from experience how to improve on our initial plans.

If you haven’t had a chance to read the Mentorship program proposal It goes into more detail about how we expect the program(s) to work.

The two volunteers we are looking for are:

Entry level program coordinator

This person will help inaugurate our entry-level mentorship program – the one that’s geared towards helping new TAs find their first footsteps in the industy. The key responsbilities here will be:

  • Recruit an initial class of mentors for the entry-level program
  • Help them develop a curriculum
  • Open registration for a first class
  • Collect feedback on results of first class
  • Work with the TAO board to propose changes and upgrades for the next iteration of the program

Candidates should have professional experience as working technical artists. They should be be able to commit enough time to meet the goals outlined above, and be excited to work at making the business a more diverse and inclusive community. Educational or professional management experience is a plus.

Professional mentorship program coordinator

This person will help to organize our first professional mentorshipp program. This program is intended to match working TAs with mentors from across the industry to discuss career guidance, workplace issues, and how to mature as a TA. The key responsbilities will be:

  • Set up online registration for mentors and mentees
  • Provide guidance and feedback to mentors as they learn the craft of mentorship
  • Organize a matching sessions to pair mentors and mentee candidates
  • Collect feedback from both sides of the program
  • Work with the TAO board to propose changes and upgrades for the next iteration of the program

Candidates should have experience providing professional guidance in a workplace or educational setting. They should be be able to commit enough time to meet the goals outlined above, and be excited to work at making the business a more diverse and inclusive community. This role will likely also involve managing expectations in the community at large, since we’re expecting the demand for mentors to outstrip the supply.
If you are interested in becomning a program coordinator please reach out to anybody on the TAO board, or email [email protected].

PS – in case you were wondering, this is volunteer work :slight_smile:


Thread bump!

Sounds very interesting. I would like to join as a mentee, is there any information about when and how I can sign up?

This is an amazing idea…
Please big TA brothers/sisters, don’t let this project die! :kissing_heart:

Unfortunately the TAO board are all having busy springs, which is why we’re trying to find volunteers to organize the signups. While it’s not expected to be very onerous it seems like something that demands sustained attention. So – any experienced community members who want to give something back to the field should consider raising their hands! You can of course help run the program even if you don’t think you want to be a mentor yourself!

I’m interested but I just don’t know how much time I can dedicate to helping (and I don’t know if I feel like I have enough exp to mentor haha) :frowning:

@Tool you could think about the entry level coordinator position – it’s aimed at helping new TAs get familiar with the basics of the field and the job market, won’t be quite as in-depth as the 1:1 program…

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