How to grow the forum?

Alright, IRC added to homepage. Tell me how you all like the phrasing.

I’m also going to upgrade the planet aggregator from planet 2.0 to venus, which should make it much prettier (and I’m also going to start more feeds so this will allow me to share some code/styling since planet 2.0 is pretty awful in that regard).

[QUOTE=Rob Galanakis;16323]…
at this point the main problems are technical- first, get the wiki back up and running, then figure out how to get it over to MoinMoin.

I need to re-poke the PC guys about it, I brought it up a while ago but heard no response.[/QUOTE]

If someone could convert it for me, I would be happy to add it all to the PC wiki. I have no doubt Drew and Vito would be cool with adding TAO content to the PC wiki. It’s all text anyhow, right? Not a bunch of large image files or archive file attachments?

Well you can develop the traffic of the forum by writing unique content, by posting images and also by posting the downloaded link. This may interest the gamers if it is a forum on online gaming. Everybody knows that they all understand until and unless trial version or visual clipping is given to them. Other options could be tutorials and the interesting replies.

I am not sure if this will do, but just found a page on converting MediaWiki to MoinMoin.

[QUOTE=Rob Galanakis;16323]I have absolutely no desire to run a competing with with polycount. I love those guys and came from the PC community. That said at this point the main problems are technical- first, get the wiki back up and running, then figure out how to get it over to MoinMoin. Either way I suspect the TAO wiki will be locked down and we may just point people over to the PC wiki until things get ported over. There are more exciting ways to invest our time. Either way, I need to re-poke the PC guys about it, I brought it up a while ago but heard no response.

Artur: Yes, pretty much exactly what I want to take advantage of.[/QUOTE]

Well the largest competition is Polycount and CG Society so look at what they have:
-A large number of artists - especially amateurs (non-professionals)

I also think that the forum can be expanded, for example:
Right now, instead of having a forum for MEL-coding you have an external link that goes to a sub-forum on CGTalk. People need to visit THIS site and not CGTalk or Polycount for help.

Last: I think that the complexity of the technical talk around here is scaring people away. Im not saying this is a bad thing, but we need something to attract more amateurs here and I think that tutorials, workshops and a wiki is the way to go. should be a place to learn just as Polycount and CGTalk.

I’ve been testing this one out a bit recently with some great success though language support may not fit everyones needs. Example of the collaboration support here:

Ever thought about non-coding challenges/subjects as well? Embrace the ‘art side’ :slight_smile:

One of the things I do for my students is point them to various TA resources, one of which being this site. In particular I make sure they look at the types of posts that show up on your RSS feed. In general that’s only 1 or 2 potential new users a month, but everything helps.



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What about adding a repository for Tech Artists to easily share tools/scripts/code examples? This would likely attract a very wide and different audience to that which we have on the forum (So may not grow the forum post rate directly), but it would expose the site as a resource meaning people entering the tech art profession are more likely to be aware of the forum.

Hi! I haven’t had a chance to read through the forum quite yet but wanted to let you know I’m happy to help grow this. I’ll post it to my social networks but also, we have some extremely talented tech artists at Microsoft who I’m sure would be open to interviews and helping with content.

Reach out to me anytime at [email protected] if you have interest.

I really think you are actually going in just the right direction…i hope you get on with it…

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