Setting displayFilmGate not updating viewport

Has anyone ever had issues when issuing a command to set the filmegate and gatemask on with the viewport not updating? I am running these, and I see the attributes physically turning on/off in the attribute editor when I issue them. However, the viewport is not updating to show. I have tried to issue a refresh, but this does absolutely nothing:

cmds.setAttr(“RigCam:RigCameraShape.displayFilmGate”, 1)
cmds.setAttr(“RigCam:RigCameraShape.displayGateMask”, 1)
cmds.refresh(currentView=True, force=True)

Clicking the Film Gate and Gate Mask in the viewport panel will work, but not this.

Figured it out. Seems the overscan needs to be upped beforehand in order to get them to show up.

cmds.setAttr(“RigCam1:RigCameraShape.overscan”, 1.3)