Procedural Surface Textures


For a few months, I’ve been working on a new set of texturing tools that analyze an object’s surface and create images that are continuous in all directions. These are not procedural 3D textures like Perlin Noise, but 2D images that know where in the 3D world each pixel is located and how it is connected to other pixels.

These are two examples of procedural surface textures:

Processing: vase_800.png…

Processing: lizard_800.png…

Notice how the cells in these two images are continuous all over the surface, and how features like the size and color of the cells can be controlled with custom inputs.

These new texturing tools are available as nodes in PixaFlux, a free PBR Texture Composer built around a node graph engine.

Here are a couple of video tutorials on YouTube.

Thank you!


We’ve added a few more nodes and tools to create more complex and controllable Procedural Surface Textures.

Mesh Filter node

Mesh Groups and Mesh Group Bump nodes

Thank you!

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Huge thanks! Your tools are very inspiring and motivating for research and creation!
Good luck and prosperity!

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Thank you, VVVSLAVA!