Post your blog link!

Awesome Guys!!!

Your Blogs have been added to the list… Welcome!


Thank you, Butters!

Thanks! Just getting this off the ground; these days focusing on the intersection of Python, Maya, Unity and Dotnet

All sorted Steve :slight_smile: you are up and aggregated.

3D Animation, Maya, Arnold, Mentalray

Hey All!

Its been a while! I just started a new blog covering asset pipelines from content packages in to engine. Basically, anything that can help speed up the process of Game Development.

Here is the link:
Games Made Right

This thread has been a goldmine!

While I do not have a blog, so to speak, I do have a couple of articles on my website, I have slides for an introduction to MEL workshop I taught at University on there that may be useful to some.

hi, I’m a technical-artist working in beijing,here’s my blog:
ue4, unity3d, maxscript, c#,

Art inspiration - cyberpunk, game art, randomness…

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